
Sunday, November 18, 2012


Male Red Crossbill

After seeing the posts over the last few weeks of Crossbills all over Long Island I decided to join in the fun. I asked Derek Rogers for some info on where to spot them at Hecksher which is close by and headed out Sunday Morning around 9:00. I ran into Derek just outside of Field 5 where he was trying to hunt down an "interesting" sparrow and he informed me that he had heard some crossbills fly over and that it should be a good morning for them.

Female Red Crossbill
 While there were some at Jones Beach, I should be just as successful here. After getting to the section of pines just east of Field 7, a mixed flock of Crossbills alighted on a tree top and then foraged for about 20 minutes... it doesn't get easier than that!

Male White-winged Crossbills and a Female Red Crossbill

Male Red Crossbill

 Aside from the Crossbills, I had plenty of red-breasted nuthatches, but that was the only thing of note.

Female White-winged Crossbill

Male White-winged Crossbill

Male White-winged Crossbill
Red-Breasted Nuthatch

If you are interested in learning more about the birds of Long Island, as well as other information about the flora and fauna of our Island, check out John Turner's book (which features some of my photographs):
Exploring the Other Island: A seasonal guide to nature on Long Island


  1. What a wonderful idea for a blog! This will be a big help to my husband and I as we ID the many birds we're blessed to see in our Suffolk County neighborhood. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful photographs.
    -Kay Nuthatch (

  2. Thanks! I've been running it for a few years now... I haven't been able to update it as frequently in the past year or so as I became engaged and got married - but in the new year I should be back to my regular frequency. I'm glad that it's helpful!
