
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Forster's Tern on the Carmans River

This morning I kayaked the the lower portion of the Carmans River (from Montauk Hwy [~ Hards Dam] to Squassex Creek in Brookhaven Hamlet and was disappointed in the few birds that made themselves present (though we are in the doldrums of Summer as far as birds are concerned on the island).  There were many Purple Martin's near the north end of this stretch and an Osprey managed to nab a fish (out of view) which it promptly brought back to its calling children.  A glossy Ibis was briefly spotted flying over the extensive cattail marshes (oddly enough it was alone and not in a flock as would be expected) and Great Egrets seemed to appear around every curve of the river (and there are a lot of curves!).  But the further south my girlfriend and I paddled, the more we heard and saw Terns.  They were almost exclusively Common Terns but I thought I spotted one or two Forster's - well, by the time we reached the "marina" at Sqaussex I had the confirmation I needed as this first year (a locally born bird perhaps?) Forster's Tern mysteriously plopped down in the river for a few moments.  Though I wish I could have gotten more photos of this species I was happy with this addition to my growing collection.

If you would like to learn more about the Carmans River and Brookhaven Hamlet, check out this cool history book, entitled: Bellport Village and Brookhaven Hamlet (NY) (Images of America)

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