
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Short on Words, Long on Birds

Someone who has posted a link to my blog claimed it was "short on words" - a comment I won't dispute but I'll take it to the extreme on this blog post.  All photos were taken over the last 2 weeks.  Enjoy. (Above and Below: Yellow Warbler, Roe Ave., East Patchogue)

Carolina Wren (Same location as above birds):

A peregrine falcon continues to hangout near the Ponquogue Bridge:

Killdeer babies:

Notice the 4 legs beneath this adult killdeers body....

The Glossy Ibis have returned to their favorite compost pile:


  1. Words are over rated..Your photos say plenty!

  2. I can appreciate the time and effort you took to take such beautiful pictures they look great.. I live in Florida if you want I have a site as well. I hope that you will like these pictures as much as I liked yours.
