
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Afternoon deLIGHT

Lake Agawan:
After my first blog posting I couldn't sit around and waste the sunshine and relatively warm temps outside and so I headed back to Lake Agawan in Southampton Village in hopes of utilizing the light better than this morning and was certainly successful, however the N. Shovelers weren't as close and were spread out across the like.  Fortunately for me though, a group of Coots let their curiosity bring them close by as I got a nice low angle from the lakeshore.  For the photo below, I experimented with my onboard flash to try and bring out some more detail in the blacks and I think it worked well - however it was badly overexposed so I had to make the correction in Adobe Camera Raw and bring back the details.

Water Mill:
I checked out Mill Pond again for the Grebes but nothing was present and headed back over to my other Water Mill location were some American Wigeon were hanging out, along with a few more Hooded Mergansers.  Unfortunately a vehicle drove by way too fast and spooked the ducks which were feeding along the shoreline.  All of these ducks flying caused the rest of the birds to fly up and around and I lost track of the Wigeons, but was able to get some photos of the Hooded Mergansers playing in the muck:

Back to Dune Rd:
A return trip down Dune Rd. lent me some more great views at a Northern Harrier.  While these are some of my better images (the late day lighting helps a lot) my camera was acting up and not exposing several shots (including shots in the middle of a burst) properly.  I'm a little concerned about this, but think it is related to the Teleconverter.  Hopefully it's as simple as cleaning the contacts but it was frustrating to miss some really great shots because of this.


  1. great shots!
    When ever I come visit your blog i get a bit grossed out by your header...It is a fabulous photo...I guess its just a natural reaction..

  2. Maybe next month I'll swap it out for a less graphic shot!
